The Eve of Madness

No, this post has nothing to do with Halloween.

Tonight, at midnight, Nano officially begins.

I feel like I was much more prepared for it two weeks ago than today. Two weeks ago I had just worked out an outline so it was fresh in my mind and I was excited to get working on it. Of course, I then decided to wait so I could start a new project for Nano. In the interim I’ve been editing DH (which I’m not done with [the editing, that is]) and working on other things, including a short story I’m in the middle of and need to finish today and not put off until December.

Life also decided to throw me a couple curves over the last few days. The car breaking down was expensive; the part it needed was only like 20$ but the labor was several hundred. *grumbles* This Thursday I’m having surgery (nothing serious as long as I don’t put it off.) So on the second day of Nano, I will be out of it-- not a good way to start the month. Between the car and the surgery, the bills are starting to get out of hand, and the tightrope that was letting me work only limited hours is swaying really close to the crocodiles below, so I might need to go back to work full time. *sigh* That’s life, and when it comes to working, I was pulling over-time at work last year during Nano some weeks and still made the goal.
All and all, my pre-nano stress has very little to do with jitters about writing and more with everything else.

Wow, this has turned into a whiney post. Sorry.

On the upside, I am looking forward to the kick-off party tomorrow night. I probably mentioned it before, but I’m co-ML for my area this year, and the other Ml and I have planned some fun things for our fellow nano’ers. I will be heading up several write-ins over November, so I’m hoping doing that will help me get over some of my shyness while helping other nano’ers meet their word goal. I won’t know how I want to structure the write-ins until I talk to the writers who plan to attend, but I’ve been getting material ready incase people want to start the session with writing exercises or talk about outlining/plotting/character development. (And yes, I’m taking things from the net and books, not coming up with it on my own because I’m definitely not an expert on the subjects.)

Well, good luck to any of you out there who are also Nano’ing this year! Just a few more hours…


Anonymous said…
I had the same experience. I felt like I was ready to go two weeks ago but the last few days have been so hectic that I started to lose my focus.

I had that moment this morning when I opened my computer to begin when nothing happened for the first few minutes. Luckily, I was typing away soon after.

Good luck and keep us updated!

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