What I'm Reading

My revised version of DH is wherever packages go between being dropped off at the post office and arriving at their destination, so to reward myself for finally finishing, I've been binge reading.

According to Amazon, Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs is street-dated for January 30th, but BAM had it on the shelf today when I was there. I just finished it, and I have to say it was absolutely amazing. I think Ms Brigg's 'Mercy' (MC) books are now competing for one of the top spots as my favorite urban fantasy series. (Blood Bound is the second book, Moon Called being the first) If you read UF and haven't picked up these books yet, you have no idea what your missing. I closed the book feeling a mix of awe and depression because I don't think I will ever write a book at this level. I highly recommend this series.

Hell to Pay by Simon R. Green is the seventh book in the Nightside novels. This series is full of macabre humor and layers of storytelling. I honestly thought the sixth book in the series was the last as it wrapped up a storyline that Mr Green had been laying trails to since the first book, so I was thrilled to find this book on the shelf the other day. It felt like half the world was destroyed after the last story arc, so I'm very excited to see where he takes it from here. This book brought back some favorite characters that were left standing after the last battle and introduced some new ones. If you like dark twisted humor, this a good series.

On the flip side of dark humor, I also read Sleeping with the Fishes by Mary Janice Davidson, which was a very light, fun read. She approached this book saying she wanted to turn the mermaid myth on its head, and I think she did a wonderful job. It's fun, it's quick, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, but I have to say, I've read several of Ms Davidson's books, and she likes to write disagreeable main characters. They are fun and sassy, but really, I can never figure out what the men see in them. At the same time, I think thats what makes them so amusing to read about.

Okay, that was a pretty diverse group to feed my muse. I should be ready to dive back into work on Monday. I hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Rachel Vincent said…
Ooooh, I'm so jealous. I'm dying for Blood Bound. Unfortunately, I've been mostly ice bound. I think it's time for a trip to the book store...
Kalayna Price said…
I hope the ice lets up! I thought Blood Bound was amazing, so I hope you enjoy it when you finally make it to the bookstore.

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