The balancing act

Do you ever look back and wonder how you ever got anything done in the past, and if you were able to do it then, why you can't now?

The year I wrote (and finished) my first novel was a busy one. I got married, graduated from college, was working a crazy job, painted enough during the year to enter newly finished paintings in two separate art shows, and read over 100 books. I don't remember being over taxed by all that. I think I even had a social life now and then. It was hectic at times, but hey, life just is.

So, why can't I juggle life now?

Do you ever get the feeling someone is stealing your time? Maybe I just procrastinate more than I used to(hey most of that's research, right?...)or maybe there are more obligations that complicate things. Whatever the reason...I clearly need a plan to increase my productivity.

So how do you balance your time? Do you have a set plan, maybe a certain time set aside for creative endeavors, or do you steal moments here and there as they come up? What works for you?


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