It's that pink day...

It's that day of the year that all the stores look like a bottle of peptobismol exploded on everything, cut flowers are way over priced, and chocolate shows up everywhere in cute little heart shaped boxes. Today, single people everywhere are twice as aware of that solo status, and the 'hottest' restaurants in town all have a full reservation list.

Ah, Valentine's day...people either love it or hate it.

It's a strange sort of holiday. People are probably on the right track accusing it of being just another consumer holiday, surely it's beginning has nothing to do with it's current condition, what with this being the anniversary of Saint Valentine's Martyrdom. But, it can be a sweet little day for couples.

There are some customs I confess to not understanding. Like the whole umpteen dollar flower bouquets. To me, cut flowers are always like saying "Here is a beautiful symbol of our love. Now watch it wilt and DIE!" Okay, maybe that's a bit over dramatic, but really, I'd rather something I could put in the ground and watch grow, than something that will wither away in a few days/weeks. To each their own though.

My hubby and I make it a cute day. He took me to lunch this afternoon, we exchanged little gifts (no flowers of course ^_^) and tonight we'll rent a movie and curl up together on the couch. Yeah, nothing fancy, but it makes us happy.

What are you doing this Valentine's day? Any thoughts on cut flowers?

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!


Anonymous said…
My Valentines Day was spent at Atlanta Bread helping Rob study and outline his notes. Then carried out from Moe's and ate in front of the TV watching Lost :) The joy's of dating a College student.

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