Who are you, and what did you do with my character?

Throughout the first draft of HB2, I’ve had trouble with one of my characters refusing to talk to me. This character has been suffering major behavior and emotional changes from scene to scene as I’ve forced him to participate (when he obviously has had no interest at all.) A couple of scenes he has clicked in, but more often than not he falls flat on the page or acts in a manner completely out of character.

This is problematic to say the least, but it is a first draft, which is basically the same as the early rehearsals when the actors still have scripts in their hands and miss most of their cues. Later drafts will be ‘dress rehearsals’, and we are still a long way from ‘opening night’. There is still time for him to fill in his role and bloom into a real character. So, for now, I’ll let him mumble his lines and refuse to take blocking cues.

The next draft though . . .

Despite a noncommunicative character, progress is moving right along. I have just over a week to meet my goal, which is daunting, looking at how much is left. But, if I can manage my time correctly, it is doable.

HB2 Progress:

60078 / 90000 words. 67% done!


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