Pictures from Moonlight and Magnolias

This post is late (story of my life) as I returned from Moonlight and Magnolias over a week ago, but hey, better late than never, right?

Tori Pryer, NL Berger, Cera Daniels, and I attended M&M this year and among the four of us, brought home four requests for partials. As I sold a three book deal (on top of the 5 book deal I already have) a week before the conference, and I am neither suicidal nor a writing machine, I did not pitch. Now, if you're doing the math, that means one of my critique partners brought home multiple requests! (Congrats Cera!)

We had an absolutely fabulous time at the conference. There were workshops to attend, authors and industry professional's to chat with, a book signing (more on that in a moment), and, of course, the Maggies Award dinner and dance. As you can tell from the photos, I toted my hoop out onto the dance floor and introduced a whole gaggle of romance writers to hoop dancing. A hoop on the dance floor was clearly a first for a lot of people, but it was tons of fun, and several women tried it out. I have to say one thing though, while I am getting better at hooping in strapy heels, I do not recommend hooping in a strapless dress! That was almost a disaster.

Speaking of firsts, as I briefly mentioned above, I took part in the book signing this year at M&M. Aside from a signing for my college friends, I haven't actually had any signings to date. Talk about being nervous! The room was full of strangers, and there was my name on the wall with a stack of my books on the table. There must have been twenty five authors signing in the room, and Sherrilyn Kenyon's line lasted a full two hours!
(By the way, on top of being an amazing writer, Sherrilyn is an inspiring speaker. If you ever get a chance to hear her talk, jump on it.) I signed a couple books for people who had already read ONCE BITTEN, which was way cool, and several other people walked by, looked at the cover, flipped it over, and then ended up buying and having me sign it. I think I manged not to shake too much, and I probably owe that to the amazing women who sat on either side of me. It was fun, if nerve wreaking. Someone tell me it gets easier with time? ^_^ (Btw, any one out there have a picture of me from the signing? I didn't think to ask anyone to snap one, but I know several were taken.)

All and all, my adventures at Moonlight and Magnolia were amazing. It is wonderful little conference that I highly recommend to anyone in the south east. With M&M over, my Convention and Conference circuit for this year is now at an end, but I am already making plans for 2010. I have been asked to be a guest at RavenCon, so I will definitely be there and at Dragon*Con next year. I hope to get a chance to go to more places and meet more people next year, so stay tuned for where I'll be in 2010!

What are your upcoming con plans?


Tyhitia Green said…
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Congratulations on your first signing! I'm sure it does get easier as time goes on. :-D

Umm, check your e-mail. I don't have Twitter yet. ;-)
Marcia Colette said…
Wait. I missed hoopla-hooping on the dance floor? No fair. :-(

Next year, I am so there. No if ands or buts about it.

As for my conference plans, I'm definitely going to RT so far. It's the only one that has their registration page up. ;-)
Nicki Salcedo said…
So glad to have met you. M&M is far too much fun and it really motivates my writing!

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