News and Links

So I just found out the artist for Grave Witch's (absolutely awesome) cover is Aleta Rafton. Her website with more of her art can be found here. I recognize quite a few of her pieces from other books, so how cool is that? (If you haven't seen the Grave Witch cover, scroll down to Friday's post and check it out.)

In other news, Twice Dead is spending its third week in the top five bestselling dark fantasy list! Thank you everyone who has made that possible by buying books and telling friends about the series!

The second book in the Alex Craft series is due April 1st, and I am hard at work trying to get it all shiny by that date. (Okay, maybe 'shiny' isn't the right word for dark fantasy. LOL) As I was reading over the first few chapters the other day, I realized that my characters are eating in 6 in of the first 15 scenes. Perhaps a little too much food. At this rate, Alex won't be fitting in that awesome outfit on the cover of Grave Witch. ^_^

Well, I must get back to writing. I hope everyone is having a great week!


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