Blog Party starts today!

Wow. It's September. That totally caught me off guard.

In that case, someone give me a hand with these balloons, and please, help yourself to some virtual chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne because it's BLOG PARTY TIME! For the next month and a half we are going to keep the blog hopping with special guests, cool contests, and exciting events. To kick things off, I have two announcements:

Firstly, I am very pleased to present an extended excerpt of Grave Witch! I know I've been teasing you with just the first two pages for the last few months, but I've now posted the full first chapter. I hope you enjoy!

Secondly,  I would like to quickly share with you a  list of guests you can look forward to seeing during the Blog Party: (Guest list subject to change. Listed in order of planned appearance)

Kelly Gay, author of the Charlie Madigan series .

Lucienne Diver, author of the Vamped series.

M. K. Hobson, author of Native Star.

Marcia Colette, author of Stripped.

Rachel Vincent, author of the Shifters series.

Rachel Aaron, author of the Eli Monpress series.

Nancy Holzner, author of the Deadtown series.

I'm so excited to be hosting these amazing authors, and with any luck, I'll be adding a few more names to the list soon, so check back often!


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