ARC Winner!

First of all, I want to say thank you everyone who entered! It was awesome to read how you found the books. I wish I could send all of you ARCs!

Okay, on to the announcement you all want to see. And the winner is:

dorien-b who wrote "I believe I found the cover of Grave Witch on All Things Urban Fantasy and kept it in the back of my mind. It was a great cover and the blurb had caught my attention, so when release month came I noticed the cover again."

Congratulations Dorien-b! Please send your shipping information to contests(AT)kalayna(DOT)com and I'll sign the ARC and ship it out to you. To everyone else, thank you again for entering! If you didn't win this time, please check back because I'll be having another contest closer to the release of the book.

Happy Monday Everyone!

(Edit: I've just been informed it's Tuesday--how did that happen? Sorry for the late post!)


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