Hallo Deutschland!

There are milestones in every career. In publishing, the first of these milestones is probably the very first time you write the magical words "The End" followed by new markers at each stage of your career. Each is new and exciting, and I'm very happy to announce that today I've crossed one of those milestones.

Today my very first foreign language book hits shelves!

DER KUSS DER EWIGKEIT is the German language version of ONCE BITTEN, the first novel of Haven. As has probably become apparent in previous posts, I don't speak a word of German, so I'm using a translator. But,  to my new German readers who stumble on this post, I just want to say:

Vielen Dank für das Lesen der Kuss der Ewigkeit! Ich hoffe, Sie genießen das Buch! 

(That should translate to "Thank you for reading The Kiss of Eternity. I hope you enjoy the book!" --or at least I hope that's what it says and that I haven't announced I'm a jelly doughnut. ^_^)

Have a great Monday everyone! 


Wic said…
greeting and congratulations from Germany.
you did a pretty good job with the translation so do not worry.
Melanie S. said…
Congrats on your German release - I can't wait to pick it up! It's on my wishlist for Christmas and I really really hope to find it under the Christmas tree. I absolutely love your Alex Craft series and can't wait to read this one.
Wish you all the best, Melanie

and don't worry, the German part was perfect :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the reminder! I just ordered the book at Amazon Germany.
Have a nice day!
Regards from snowy Germany

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