Call for Minions: Bookmark Project for Grave Memory release!

Today I'm calling all minions (aka volunteers for a street team) to see if anyone would be interested in helping me spread the word by taking bookmarks to their local bookstores!

 What I'm proposing is that if you're interested in helping me get the word out about the books (and helping some bookmarks find good homes) send an email to kalayna(AT)kalayna(dot)com with the words "BOOKMARK PROJECT" in the subject line and include your name, shipping address, and the name of the bookstore you plan to take the bookmarks to. I will  send you 20-30 bookmarks that you can take to the bookstore and either ask the manager to put on the checkout desk for customers to claim, or you can take the bookmarks back to the fantasy section and place them inside other urban fantasy titles so that the reader who buys that book will have a free bookmark and learn about my series.

Of course, I wouldn't ask you to help without giving you something in return. Along with the bookmarks, I'll send you a personalized and signed bookplate for Grave Memory (or any of the books you'd like to put it in.) Also, if you haven't already received a minion button and would like one, just let me know in your email and I'll be sure to put that in the package as well! 

Anyone interested?

Edited To Add: Sorry to my international readers. I'll try to do something special for you guys soon, but this particular project is for the US only. The bookmarks have only the US information on them.


jenn jackowski said…
I would love to help.
Anonymous said…
Is this international or only in USA?
I would be intrested, but I live in Europe..
Kalayna Price said…
Thanks Jenn!

Sorry Anonymous, yes this is US only. I promise I'll do something special for the UK soon.
jenn jackowski said…
I am a fan of the haven books I can't wait for the next one.
Unknown said…
I would be happy to help...sending an email :)
karyn said…
hi kalayna

Would love to help you out, so dont forget your irish fans when your going to do something international

Anna said…
Hi, Kalayna! I'm from Brazil, please, don't forget us too!

I already ordered Grave Memory and I can't wait too hear more about Third Blood.

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