In Loving Memory: Licorice (May 1999 - October, 27 2010)

Pets fill a number of different roles in peoples' lives. For me they are family, so today I lost a family member. Licorice was 11 1/2 years old and the sweetest guy you could meet. He was a lap kitty and purr box who often had the tip of his tongue peeking out. Monday we made an emergency appointment with the vet because one of his toes suddenly doubled in size. They put him on a steroid, an anti inflamatory drug, and an antibiotic as a first step, but there was a good chance it was cancer and that on the recheck next week we might have to consider amputation. Yesterday he was happy enough. This morning he was having trouble breathing. He died in transit to the vet. At least he died in someone's arms, knowing he was loved. And it was fairly fast, so I don't think he suffered much.
I do believe animals have souls and that he is in a better place, but that doesn't dampen the ache of saying goodbye. Here are some pictures of my baby so he is immortalized here on the blog.

I hope you're having a better Wednesday than me. Don't forget to hold your loved ones tight, everyone.


Anonymous said…
I am Sorry to hear that i know i just got a text from your mom , tell her we know how it feels to loose a long time pet . Like you said they are more family than pet , I wish there was something we could do to help .
Terry and Shery
haricot vert said…
Sorry to hear of your loss! That sucks! ((hugs))
Sorry to hear of your loss. *Hugs*
Jeffe Kennedy said…
I'm so sorry, Kalayna. The only small comfort is that he didn't suffer prolonged treatment, which could have made his life so miserable. I lost a kitty to cancer who was five years old. I so sympathize.
Luna Trix said…
Hugs girl. I know he will missed. :(
Jean Marie Ward said…
I'm so sorry. Hugs. Just hugs.
Jennifer Murgia said…
I'm so sorry Kalayna:(
I had to say goodbye to my cat two months ago - it's an amazing loss. Many hugs.
heidi330 said…
Im so sorry for your loss..I know how you feel, I lost my beloved bulldog. He was fine one minute the next he couldnt breathe. He was only 4 yrs old. My mother in law even did CPR on him but nothing worked. I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest and I felt like that for months but with time and lots of great memories of my big boy it did get better... I know my baby is running around in his own yard chancing butterflies and carring his toy man around..I hope someday he's there waiting for me..
With lots of love
Kalayna Price said…
Thank you everyone. You guys are the best.
Tyhitia Green said…
I'm late, but I am so sorry for your loss, Kalayna.

the Gardner said…
Licorice was truly a remarkable cat, more loving, gentle and tolerant than any I've ever known. He was newly weaned when he was given to Kalayna, and she took over as "mama" with joy. As Kalayna is wont to do, she spent hours reading with that kitty on her lap. She spoiled him with toys, which he loved, and at night he slept curled at her neck. This remarkable little cat learned gentleness and love from his adoptive mama, Kalayna. He stayed that way all his life.

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