It's finally here: RELEASE DAY!

GRAVE WITCH should now be available at all major bookstores and about anywhere books are sold online. Here are some convenient links to online sellers, or check your local brick and mortar store.
Barnes and Noble
Books a Million
The Book Depository

Also, don't forget that I have a Virtual Release Party starting at noon today over at Bitten By Books. I'll be chatting with party goers and even giving out a $50 amazon gift certificate, so don't forget to stop by!

On the blog tour front, today's stop is at the blog of my fabulous agent Lucienne Diver. Don't forget to check it out.

Okay. That's it for me. I'm going to go over there and continue squeeing and doing my happy dance. ^_^

Happy release day everyone!


Happy Release Day Kalayna!! I'll be buying my book this week!! Can't wait to read it!
Jackie said…
Happy Release Day, my copy is on it's way to me and cannot wait to get it in the mail!

jackie ^_^

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