And then there were ARCs

Don't forget that the Get the word out contest (with your chance to win a cool swag pack including the Ace/Roc sampler) is running until Sunday August 15th. Details can be found HERE.

 I might have to add the FedEx guy to my Christmas card list if he keeps making my day the way he has over the last week. If you heard sequels of delight yesterday afternoon and caught sight of some crazy girl dancing around, that was probably me. A package arrived yesterday  containing several ARCs of Grave Witch, and I held a bound copy of my book in my hands for the first time.

If you have never heard the term ARC before, it stands for Advanced Reader Copy/ Advanced Review Copy and is basically an unproofed copy of the manuscript which is bound and printed several months before the book goes to press so that it can be sent out to reviewers. By the words "uncorrected proof" you can tell this isn't the final version of the book, but it is very, very close. This book release is getting real.

In the package with the ARCs, my editor also sent me two bookplates. (Which are those flat copies of the front and back covers in the left hand side of the picture) You can't tell in this picture, but the title is printed in raised foil lettering! Yes, I just had to touch that lettering. The bookplate is absolutely gorgeous.  I have loved this cover since my editor sent the digital copy to me months ago, but the print? It blew me away.

I'm framing one of the bookplates so I can hang it above my desk. The other? I don't know yet. I might give it away during the upcoming blog party extravaganza.  Is a bookplate something you guys would be interested in? I think it's really cool, but then it has my name and book title in big bold letters, so I would.  For other people, I don't know if it would be that exciting. What do you guys think? A good giveaway item, or not?

Well, I guess right now you're probably thinking about the ARCs. As you can see from the picture, I received only a small handful of  books. My publisher sent a lot of review copies out already, but I've had a waiting list of reviewers who asked about the book for about eight months now. I started at the top of the list and didn't even make it through those reviewers hosting my blog tour before I ran out of books. The ARCs arrived yesterday, and I shipped them back out today. *Dramatic pose* "Oh ARCs, I barely knew you!"

Ahem. Er, anyway . . .

I did hold onto one copy. Just one. I will be giving it away sometime during the blog party, so watch this space!


Jackie said…
Very nice looking, will hold out for the "readers" copy when it hits the bookshelves, but just barely!!!

jackie ^_^
Tyhitia Green said…
Awesome, Kalayna. Can't wait to get me a copy and then get it signed. ;-)

Hmm, I'll e-mail ya.
Kalayna Price said…
Thanks Jackie and Tyhitia!

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