More cool stuff

Don't forget that the Get the word out contest (with your chance to win a cool swag pack including the Ace/Roc sampler) is running until Sunday August 15th. Details can be found HERE.

The mail guys around here probably think I'm crazy with all the packages suddenly pouring in. It's typically not like this. I'm preparing for a release and for the biggest Convention on the East coast, so, well, I've been busy. Today's gain? A big box from Vista Prints.

Okay, not that big. Actually, in comparison to some of the others, a rather small box. But, it contained some cool stuff. You'll notice in the picture that most of my order was for tie-ins for the Haven Novels. This particular order went in over a month ago (printing and shipping takes awhile unless you want to pay a small fortune to 'rush' it. I'd rather just order early.) and at that time I didn't have a copy of the final cover for Grave Witch, so I didn't want to order too many tie-ins with the original cover (the one missing the quotes). Once I get a high resolution digital copy of the cover, I will be designing new bookmarks and other promotional freebies, but, unfortunately, I won't have them in time for Dragon*Con. (I do have the buttons, samplers, and the early bookmarks, so it's not like I'll have a shortage of Grave Witch freebies.)

Vista Prints is rather hit or miss, but overall I've had a lot of success with the items I've ordered from them--especially when the times are free and all I have to pay is the shipping. My splurge item of this order was the key chains (which I've included an enlarged picture of to the right). I like these, and I think they look fairly nice, but I'm not sure their beneficial value offsets how much I paid for them. So, these key chains will be very 'limited edition' promo items as I have twenty and I'm unlikely to reorder them. Since they arrived before the end of the Get the Word Out contest, I'm going to add one to each of the three swag packs, so I hope you guys like them. The other seventeen? Well I'll have to think of something special. I'll probably save several for Third Blood's release.

Well, that's it for me today. I have a longer post over at Fangs Fur and Fey about what I learned at a recent convention so please check it out. Have a great day everyone!


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