Coming to a blog near you . . .

I can't believe Grave Witch will hit shelves in just a day over two months from now. Two months seems both very distant and way sooner than should be possible. I'm excited and terrified all at once--which means it's a good time to start planning a party.

Yes, a party. A party spanning the majority of September and October.

In preparation for Grave Witch's release I plan on hosting events and giveaways, and if I can arrange it, a whole slew of special guests.  The idea to host guests didn't hit me until yesterday, so I'm scrambling to get the list together, but I've already heard from one of my favorite authors and contacted several others, so things are looking good, party-wise.  As soon as I have nailed down dates, I'll release more concrete information.

In the mean time, watch this space. I should be posting the schedule for my upcoming blog tour soon. I'll also be announcing guests for the party and hints at other events (as I think them up.)

The party starts in September . . . don't be late!


Lori said…
Looks to be fun, I will definately keep an eye out for undates. :)
Kalayna Price said…
Thanks Lori! I'm hoping it will be a blast for everyone involved.

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