
GRAVE WAR is here!

 Today is the day! Grave War is out in the wild!  I hope you love this story. I'm thrilled to share it. Thanks for reading!  (Note: The print and ebook should be available. The audio book will be coming. I'm not sure of the release date, but I approved a cover for it, so it is coming.) 

One more day until GRAVE WAR

 It's hard to believe that GRAVE WAR hits shelves tomorrow! I'm so excited to share this final chapter of Alex's story with you. I'm also extremely nervous as I'm anxious to hear what you think of how everything concludes.  It's been about a year since I first turned in this book, and yet I'm more anxious now than when I wrote "the end" and sent it off to my publisher. Then it was done, but not "done done." I knew it still had many more eyes that would look over it and I would see it again and still work on it. Over the months that followed there were revisions and edits. But now all of those have been done for over half a year. I haven't actually seen it in print yet (with covid and all, I haven't gotten any advance copies) so some of you may see the final project before I do! (Amazon says my copy will arrive on Thursday.) Now, this story is headed out into the world to your hands (or ereaders) and I can't wait for you to ge...

Happy New year and Cover Reveal

Hello and happy New Year everyone! 2019 saw the release of the sixth book in the Alex Craft novels, Grave Destiny, and I turned in the final book in the series, GRAVE WAR. This was an unexpectedly emotional event. While I've written "the end" on nearly a dozen books, this was my first time ending a series. This book marks the end to the Alex's story, and while I hope that I can write in Alex's world again (I'd love to continue to explore Briar's story, and I have a short story planned for Rianna) this is the last book that will be from Alex's perspective. This was a pretty big thing for me. The book is not completely finished--I will have a pass of revisions and copy edits and such, but unless my editor hates the book, it is more or less the story that you will see when it hits shelves. It was a hard book to write, but I think the outcome was worth it and I can't wait until I can share more with you. So what does 2020 hold in store for me? I...

What's Next?

A lot of people are writing to ask if Grave Destiny is the final book in the series. I'm very happy to report that no, this is not the end! Ace has contracted one final Alex Craft novel so that I can finish up the story. I'm currently writing the first draft, and while it has a tentative title, I'm not free to share it quite yet. I'll be turning in the 7th Alex Craft novel this September, so I anticipate it will be released late 2020 or early 2021 but will update you when I have more information. So, for those of you worried that this might be the end, worry not. There is more. I hope you are enjoying Grave Destiny!

GRAVE DESTINY Releases today!

Today is the day. GRAVE DESTINY hits shelves, ereaders, and audio players today! There are lots of big events in this book. I hope you enjoy!

Excerpt for Grave Destiny now Live!

The excerpt for GRAVE DESTINY is now live. Click HERE to read it. Grave Destiny will be hitting shelves (and e-readers and wherever you might listen to audio books) on April 2nd! I can't wait to share this book with you. A lot of big events happen in Alex's world in this one, and I hope you enjoy the chaotic ride. Here is what Publisher's Weekly had to say about the book: “With style and a lovingly detailed exploration of the land of Faerie, the thoughtful, satisfying sixth Alex Craft urban fantasy (after Grave Ransom) transports readers to a world where magic rules and shadows come to life. . .With a hint of wit and the return of familiar faces, this installment delivers on all of its promises.” We are only a few weeks away from the release, so I hope you'll check out the excerpt now and be back soon for the full story. If you'd like to help me spread the word about the release and excerpt (and enter to win an advanced signed copy of the book) head ov...


The completed draft of GRAVE DESTINY (Alex Craft book six) is in the hands of my editor. It still has to go through a lot of steps before it reaches you, including revisions, line edits, copy edits, and page proofs, but the biggest part of the process is now done and the book is more or less the story you will eventually read. Yay! I don’t have an exact release date yet (and I’m not sure if UK and Audio will be behind US print again, but I’ll try to find out before release this time) but from what I understand the plan is for it to come out in Spring of 2019. What I do have for you today is the cover! Guys, I LOVE this cover. I hope you do too! Grave Destiny: Alex craft book 6 I’ll update with more information as soon as I can! In the mean time, feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of the cover!