A New Year
Happy New year everyone! I know, I know, I'm rather late on this declaration, and most of you have already slid back into the routine of life and are going, "oh yeah, it is a new year, isn't it?" Late, Late, late. That's me. There were many posts I thought about writing during the last two months: Top lists of books from 2007, New Year's resolutions, a Merry Christmas wish to everyone. But, well, obviously I didn't. Some I might go back and do (like the top list of books) but others are well and truly passed at this point. I apologize for the long silence (even for me, almost two months is excessive.) I have been unwell recently, and I had to reserve my energy for other things. But, I think I'm finally in an upswing, and I hope to begin posting (at least somewhat) regularly soon. I'm moving this weekend (I'll post pictures of the log cabin I'm moving into in a later post) and my apartment key has to be turned over by the 31st, so it might n...