GRAVE DANCE Contest and extended excerpt!

Today all my news is about Grave Dance. You might have seen my earlier tweet that I received a couple of ARCs. I think now is a good time to give one of those copies away, don't you?

What is up for grabs: An ARC (advanced reading copy) of Grave Dance. These are pre-pageproof copies, so there are some uncorrected mistakes and a few very minor text changes.
How to win: Leave a comment telling me how you first found me and my books. I'm just curios. ^_^ Only comments left on the blogspot blog will count toward entry, so if you are reading this post somewhere else, please stop by THE BLOG.
When to win: The contest will close April 30th at 11:59pm EST, so be sure to get your entry in before then.
Who is eligible to win: I'm willing to ship overseas, so the contest is open  internationally. Anyone who has not already read or received a copy of Grave Dance, and who is not related to me or my critique partners is eligible to win!

Okay, I think that about covers it as far as the contest goes. If you'd like a little more Alex before the contest winner is announced, go check out the EXCERPT. I just extended the excerpt and uploaded the entire first scene. I hope you enjoy!

(Note* Grave Dance is the second Alex Craft novel and the excerpt includes some spoilers from the first book, so if you haven't read GRAVE WITCH yet, please check it out first!)

Good Luck Everyone and Happy Friday!


NoraA said…
Love the series and would love an ARC of Grave Dance

NoraAdrienne (at) Gmail (dot)com
Ruth A. said…
I found Grave Witch by way of the um... I am always on the look out for new authors and new series and Qwill has a page for this month speculative fiction releases; thats how I found you.
Unknown said…
I discovered your books about a week or two before the second Haven novel came out. The first one was listed in the Kindle store somewhere and I got it, read it, and loved it. Been following your books since then.
StacyUFI said…
OH ME ME. I dont remember how i first came across your books. I think I was just browsing and saw the cover and decided to pick it up. LOVE your books

Kelly Metz said…
Found Grave Dance while alphabetizing the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section at the bookstore I work out. The cover caught my eye, liked the cover copy but it was the first sentence of chapter one that made me HAVE to read the book. I took it home that night.
Ezzie said…
I found the first book when I was just grazing around a bookstore one day last fall, and I can't wait for the next one.
Found you on Twitter! :)

I haven't read your books yet, but on reading the description, I've ordered Grave Witch. I'm a huge fan of all things paranormal-- *makes grabby hands at the ARC*
Sue S. said…
Found your Haven books on Kindle and have followed your releases since. :) Can't wait to read Grave
Helen C. said…
I found you as a 'similar author' on a website. I was looking for some new books to follow and was very happy with what I found.
Unknown said…
It's been a while but I found Grave Witch from Amazon recommends. Looking forward to book 2! (and to the 15th of each month for the previews :))
Cassidy "Cassy" said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said…
Blame your cover artist. I saw the book on the shelf in the bookstore and the cover art was interesting so I picked it up and read the back.
Oh PLEASE let me win the ARC!
Deb's Answers said…
Probably a blog, I used to read a lot of blogs. I really liked Grave Witch and I hope to meet you at ConCarolinas.
Lesley D said…
Once Bitten was always popping up in the "customers who bought this item also bought..." section on Amazon, but I never got around to reading it. But when I read the blurb for Grave Witch on a book blog (can't remember which one), I was totally hooked and knew I HAD to read it. As soon as the book came out, I went out and bought it - and loved it! I can't wait for Gave Dance :)

drakeLa90 at aol dot com
Cassidy "Cassy" said…
My best friend and her sister sucked me into the world of UF/PR. The "sister" prowls websites, internet forms and I think has a room at the Barnes and Noble here-she's in charge of making sure we don't miss great books (you know, like Grave Witch). That's how I found you. I am so excited to read more about Alex Craft-I need to know what happens next? What about 'Death'?!
Cintya B said…
Hi Hi!! Loved Grave Witch and looking forward to finding out what happens between Falin, Alex and Death O_O.. I found you're books one day searching on Goodreads and gave 'em a go to no dissapointment :) Thanks for the ARC winning contest opp.!
Chris L said…
I found out about Grave Witch through my girlfriend she's big into paranormal UF and always passes along the good ones..So I too would love an ARC of Grave Dance ^-----^
Clara Flanagan said…
First found your books by browsing at Borders, liked the spine, picked it up, saw the review by Patricia Brigss, and bought it. Then I couldn't put it down, so I bought the Haven novels and devoured them too!!! XD
Clara Flanagan said…
stephjx said…
Grave Witch was recommended by
minhchieu said…
i Found Grave Dance while scanning the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section at B&N. The cover caught my eye, and saw the review by Patricia briggs and just had to have it
Jo O said…
I found Grave Witch after Amazon had recommended Once Bitten. I read that, liked it and went looking for other works by you.
Jane Mac said…
I happened across Grave Witch on Amazon, was a recommended new release based on my old purchases.

Loved it so much I went and bought Once Bitten and Twice Dead - which I loved even more (just slightly).

But would love to get my grubby hands on Grave Dance!
Tyhitia Green said…
I loved Grave Witch and I want to win. We're friends, but I'm still eligible. ;-)
Shelley Romano said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shelley Romano said…
I read your first two Haven series novels first, and then since the third has been delayed, I proceeded to read Grave Witch. Lotos of my recommendations come from where I've been a member for awhile now.
Tasnim said…
i found you on goodreads, i'm always looking to read new series, and i think your name was mentioned in of the threads so i checked your first book out and loved it! the rest is history :)
Mayarc87 said…
I found grave witch at a community blog at amazon.
I also really like the novels of haven, which I read before grave witch.
Waiting impatiently for third blood.
Emily K said…
Love your books - when I saw you had a new series, I scooped it up and was hooked!
Anonymous said…
I found your books while I was in Barnes and Nobel it was stuffed in a nitche and I picked it up and bought it and loved it, and havn't been able to find any other books by you.
Steve said…
Well, if the Second is as good as the first, I could be persuaded to kill someone to get it. JUST KIDDING.

I don't remember where I first heard of the book, but I'm happy that I did.

Please, Please, Please..... Make that horrific trip down 26 to Charleston for a signing. PLEASE!!!!!!
stephanie said…
I found the first book of the Alex Craft series while on Barnes and noble. It was listed in the section where if u like this book then we recommend...

Thanks for the giveaway. I loved the first book!
marsman57 said…
Hey Kalayna. I'll enter.

Hopefully, you remember how we found each other. ;)

-- Brandon Barkley
Diane P said…
I really can't remember where I came across you but I am so glad that I did. I think it was Amazon recommends.
I have been following your blog ever since then.
Hi Kalayna!
I discovered your books while trolling through the blogosphere! The cover of Grave Witch caught my eye and reeled me in!

Unknown said…
I believe I found Grave Witch via a blog review, but I can't remember where. :-(
Unknown said…
I found you in the Halloween chat with The Knight Agency! Loved the book that I won there -- Grave Witch! ^-^
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I found your books by coincidence (or destiny :P). I was browsing my local bookstore, picking up books that looked interesting and then putting them back. This is because I usually write down authors and titles to check out online before purchasing as I am not rolling in cash :P This is when I saw Grave Witch. I picked it up and read 'Not even death can save her now' and thought 'this has to be a witty read'. Then I saw that Patricia Briggs had endorsed the book on the bottom of the cover and I knew I had to buy it. I never regretted that decision (only the fact that you don't have more books published :P )

Needless to say I would absolutely love an ARC of Grave Dance, as I am waiting on pins and needles to get it on my bookshelf :D
ereader89 said…
Love the series! I work in a bookstore and every month we set shelves in the scifi/fantasy section with new recommended books for the month and Grave Witch was one of the books, as soon as I saw it and read the back cover I had to read it.

Thanks for the giveaway!

elainareads AT aol DOT com
Andrew said…
I found Grave Witch at a Borders store. Read the blurb and I thought "Sounds good. I'm checking this out!"
Anonymous said…
re E

Hi! NoMoWriMo. That is how I 1st found out about the books that you write and have had published.
Is that wild?!! Do I write? "No"!, thank you, but my son does, and I found that site in order to encourage him. You write the types of books (paranormal) that I like best. He writes more YA type books, like Kidd, Salvatore, many more...that he reads. Oh, we U and I) are friends at GdReads! TY for "friending" me!

Anyway, he's (my son)in school, writes everyday, and ... he's tried the noMoWriMo a couple times. I admire that you started there, from what I read [nomowrimo]. I have been following the ones that were able to get their work published from there {nomo....}, and then finally came across a copy of the first bk.of your second series. My plan is to get the 2nd one, when I can.
I'm just a mom who Luv's computer blogs (some) and reads (as much as I am able to get from library, or wherever). works
and one son finishing school.
Rebe said…
I read Grave Witch after Amazon recommended it to me. Funny enough, I saw a review of it on (just like Ruth A.) about a week or so after I read it. I enjoyed it and can't wait to read Grave Dance!
Melanie S. said…
I saw the cover of Grave Witch on a blog and I was soooo curious about it I ordered it immediately without reading the blurb and I don't regret my decision :)
greetings, Melanie

booksforalleternity at gmail dot com
Unknown said…
I found you and youre books on goodreads when I was browsing for some good books to read and Grave Witch was one of them. I loved it and cant wait for Grave Dance to come out or in the mail if i win.

Bye Bye for now

Ailyzon said…
I saw your book displayed at Barnes & Noble. The cover caught my eyes and bought it after I read the back cover.
Anonymous said…
I found your book at Borders. I was browsing the shelves looking for something new to read and I saw your book. I think it was the color againts the monocolor background that grabbed me enough to pick up your book and read the back to find out about it. It intrigued me enough to buy and and bring it home. I am now eagerly awaiting the follow on to the first book.

tine dot mackay at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
Amazon recommended your books to me and now I'm hooked!!
Alena F.
Anonymous said…
I'd been contemplating eco-pods, shrouds, and the whole new area to green burial, thinking of GPS based graves, or trees tagged with your loved ones names.

I needed a distraction to clear my head. When I'm in one of those moods, I seek books, so I dropped by my local Border's bookstore, and there on the special display table was Grave Witch, how could I resist, especially as it had two of my favorite words on it.

The book cover caught my eye, and the words flowed out of the pages to catch my imagination.
Marilyn B said…
Hello I found out about Grave Witch through my sis in law..she's always passing on good stories to me!
Wolfy said…
Great but, where's Third Blood? Any idea when that will be released?
Wolfy said…
Forgot to leave comment about how I found your books. I read both your Haven books (3rd one???). Saw them on Amazon a couple years ago, and of course had to read your next series. Loved it by the way. Would love to read the 2nd book & post reviews on my blog. Thanks

swolfcg (at)
Vickie said…
I am pretty sure I first heard of you and GRAVE WITCH via BittenByBooks. That's my go-to site for all things paranormal/UF and good.
Anonymous said…
I believe I found the cover of Grave Witch on All Things Urban Fantasy and kept it in the back of my mind. It was a great cover and the blurb had caught my attention, so when release month came I noticed the cover again.

Unknown said…
I am a book addict and not seeking recovery. I was at the annual library book sale in a town not my own when I spotted this book. In case you are not aware, library book sales are cutthroat. I spotted Grave Witch across the table from me. In a perfect lunge, across two book dealers and a teenager who looked like an urban fantasy fan, I was able to grab your book. It was well worth the stares, profanity and gestures I received.
Unknown said…
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nytsua said…
love the series and cannot wait for the next one! I found it when I saw a raving review for it at
HayleyAG said…
Hi Kalayna,

I've been a fan of yours ever since you first released Once Bitten (I was actually looking up a different book by the same title but ended up going with yours cause the plot sounded so much better!)- i wanted it on Kindle but couldn't find it, so I ended up ordering the paperback edition and I loved it, so as soon as the Twice Dead was released on Kindle I snagged that bad boy haha. Love that series and am dying for the third in the series- please say it's coming out soon! CanNOT wait! So I check your website twice a week and when I found out you had a new series that would be available in stores I got so excited and bought Grave Witch as soon as it got to the closest location to me (like literally they hadn't even brought it in from the warehouse yet haha) I have re-read Grave Witch so many times and I'm dying for more I love the love triangles in your stories (I'm a huge romantic) this is how I've come to be a huge fan of yours. Please don't stop writing I love your stories. Ok I think I've gone on long enough would just like to say that i would love to win an ARC of Grave Dance because I've been waiting months to find out how this love triangle is going to play out. I have my fingers crossed.

Have a great day, and a Happy Easter!
Tera A said…
I was already reading your haven novels when I went to your website to see if the third book was coming out and found that you had a new series. I was sad that it was going to take so long for the third haven book but excited to have a new book by you. Already have Grave Dance pre order.
Ailsa said…
I found Grave Witch when I was browsing my local fantasy bookshop. I liked the title on the spine, pulled it out and liked the cover and description. I had a quick look at the first couple of pages, and knew it was my kind of book :-) I love it, can't wait to read the next one!

Unknown said…
I heard about your books through recommendations on amazon. I can't wait for the next one.
Edna said…
I can't remember the particular bloggers but I found out about your books from reading reviews of Grave Witch off their sites. It sounded intriguing so I went out and got myself a copy. :)
TheWilsonZoo said…
I found you on while looking for e-books for my Christmas Kindle. I'd LOVE an ARC of Grace Dance!
JoslynnS said…
I was browsing on Amazon and came across Grave Witch.Now I've read all your books and can't wait for the next one:)Thanks for the awesome contest.
Jennie said…
I discovered your book (Grave Witch) when I searched the web for urban fantasy. I was intrigued by the genre and saw your book on one blog. Later that week I found it at Borders and read it. I basically devoured it. I kept telling everyone I knew how much I loved it!
LindaT said…
Saw it on Amazon. Read the reviews. Went to Barnes and Noble and bought the book same day.
karyn said…
hey Kalayna firstly thanks a million for opening the comp to overseas, very few authors do. I read Grave Witch on recommendation by chloe neil on her face book page a while ago. I absolutely loved it. looking forward to reading the grave dance excerpt. A big thank you as well for putting your books on audio, my daughter has low vision and its the only way she can enjoy books. I can't wait for her to be able to listen to grave witch and grave dance so she can understand my obsession with "Death"
Marcia Colette said…
For the life of me, I have no idea. I think it was across the FF&P loop and then I met you at ConCarolinas. Yes, hon, it's been that long. Not that I'm complaining. Whenever we're on a panel together, it's more like fun than it is work. I'm always down for that. ;-)
I would love the chance to read Grave Dance.

How I was first introduced to you was through Once Bitten when I was asked to review it when it first came out. At least I think it was when it first came out. Regardless, I liked it and when I found out about this new story, I knew I had to read it.

Thanks for the opportunity!
Kristy said…
I first found you and your books through amazon's recommendation. It was the Haven's series I first picked up, then the Alex Craft series since I enjoyed the first.

AthenaW said…
I actually found your books via amazon recommnedations, via the Haven novels. I'd love an ARC of Grave Dance. Loved Grave Witch BTW!
Unknown said…
Found Grave Witch via kindle and a recommendation through Amazon and loved it.
Kt Clapsadl said…
I found your books back when Once Bitten was offered for free on the kindle. I loved it so much, and well the rest is just history. All of your books are on auto buy for me.
kclapsadl at gmail dot com
Trish said…
When my husband gave me his kindle after he switched to the nook, it had Once Bitten already on it. It was something he had been suggested by one of his friends, but he hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. I finished another book, and needed something to read so I figured I'd read it here and there. I stayed up until 3am finishing the story then went out and found Twice Dead the next day and finished that one that night. I'm like a junkie. I need more!
Kristi K said…
I was just browsing in the bookstore and the cover caught my eye. I loved the first book and can't wait to read the next one.
Mysteriousrose said…
Hi Kalayna

I first found your books because a lot of people on Goodreads recommended you and your books to me.

Thank you for this chance to win/read and review Grave Dance I cannot wait to read it:-)


Rachell G. said…
I actually found you through amazon, once bitten showed up as a book i might like... which i did, so when you came out with this series i knew i def. had to start reading it also.

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