Answering your Questions

Hey everyone. First off, let me apologize for being terribly behind on emails and for not responding to tweets/facebook messages/comments recently. I have been dealing with some unavoidable issues and have been unavailable. Hopefully I will be able to catch up in the next few weeks.

First off though, I thought I'd answer some of the most common questions I've been receiving.

The Alex Craft novels:
-Yes, there will be more Alex novels! The fourth novel has a tentative title of Grave Visions and will be released next year. A total of six books are currently under contract.
-An Alex Craft short story will be released in the Kicking It anthology next year. Currently I'm leaning toward a story focused on Briar Darque.

The Haven Novels:
-Third Blood release date: I will let you know as soon as I have a date. I wasn't happy with the writing so it got pushed back while I fix it.

Upcoming Appearances:
-Dragon*Con: I'll be in Atlanta next weekend for Dragon*con. In the next post I'll list my panel schedule.
-New York Comic Con: I'll be in New York October 11th-14th for Comic Con.
-Signing in Athens, GA. I'll be in Athens in late October (exact date to come) for a signing with several other awesome writers.

Okay, I think those are the main questions I've been receiving (based on a quick glance--I'm sorry I haven't had the time or opportunity to read most.) I'll post my Dragon schedule in the next blog.


bethann said…
just finished Grave Memory. really enjoyed the series, looking for more interaction w Briar, she seems really kick ass and may even deserve her own series. waiting now for the next book, just too bad i read em faster than you can write em.
Sun said…
So is Third Blood to be released in November 2012 then, as Goodreads states, or is that just a place-holder date?
Kimmy said…
O MY GOD.I so love the Alex craft series! I can't wait for the next book. I was a little worried I would have wait to a long time for a new one and next year isn't fast but I hope it comes out early 2013! I have to know what happens.
Unknown said…
Has Third Blood been pushed back again? I love this series (Alex series is fine, but I don't enjoy it as much) but at this point I'm about ready to give up on it. Please say I misunderstood what you wrote.
Anonymous said…
Third Blood pushed back again? So is it coming out in November? Because that's a long time away from now, and I think the first release date long ago was Fall 2011. Is there a month it's supposed to be published in?

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