Myspace revisited

I'm taking the plunge again and heading back into the madness that is Myspace. I've had an account for over a year, and it's been months since I checked it, but recently a lot of writers have been joining the ranks, so I thought it couldn't hurt to reinvestigate Myspace.

I've customized my page so it's not so boring, and I'm currently going out and friending the authors/people I know. If you find me before I find you, please feel free to friend me. I haven't decided if I'll mirror my blog on myspace or not. I'm terrible about mirroring to my LiveJounal account, so I can't imagine I'll be very good at remembering to mirror THREE blogs. What do those of you with myspace accounts do? Do you mirror all your posts, just the really important/informative ones, x-post none sticking to only one blog, or do you make separate posts for your different sites? (Okay that last one makes me cringe even thinking about it.)

I also haven't figured out exactly what to do with a myspace page. Right now I'm doing the fan girl thing and seaching out authors I read (or those I'm waiting to read like a lot of members of Fangs Fur and Fae.) And I'm friending people I talk to on loops or in chapters. If/once I'm published, I hope that myspace will be a way to reach out to readers, but right now, I'm not sure what to do with it. What do you like about other peoples' sites/blogs/myspace? What can a non-published writer do/talk about that you find interesting?

Speaking of both interesting things and Myspace. I found the coolest slideshow maker that I linked to my site. Tell me what you think! (You can make your own here.)

Well, off to get some real work done. Happy Monday everyone!


Rachel Vincent said…
I don't post on MySpace anywhere near as often as I do on Blogger and LJ. I mostly use it for announcements. But I guess it's working. Can't tell for sure, because I can't get a state counter on it.
off-da-page said…
My Space seem like a job within itself... one day, soon I may create a My Space, I do know it's a great way to network. I'm still trying to get use to blogging.
Kalayna Price said…
Hey Rachel,
I didn't know you couldn't put a stat counter on Myspace--I'll have to look into finding one that will work. Using it only for announcements is a good idea. (Of course, I don't really have anything to announce yet!)

Hey off-da-page,
I joined myspace for the networking opportunities, too--we will see how it goes. I don't know about getting used to blogging, but I can say your blog looks great! I love your banner.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Anonymous said…
I've found Myspace to be kind of useless. I signed up to network with other writers, now I only use it to keep in touch with some old friends.

Myspace is a good tool if you are a musician...for writers, not so good.
Kalayna Price said…
Hey Fred,

Yes, that was my first impression of Myspace too. I dropped it for almost a year, but this time I'm taking a different approach.
Last time I spent a lot of time on forums and such--which I quickly learned was a hostile place.
This time... Well, I guess honestly I don't know what I'll do with it this time. We will see how it goes. LOL

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