Back From Dragon*Con

I’m back from Dragon*con, and while I’m tired, and need to get some serious work done on my revisions, I’m very glad I went. I listened to, and talked to, a dozen or more authors this weekend, not to mention all the other avid readers I had the opportunity to discuss my favorite books with. I don’t have a lot of time to write as much as I would like about Dragon, but here are some highlights:

--Larurell K Hamilton getting on her soap box about the fallacy of ‘one perfect person’ because a romance writer on the panel insinuated Anita Blake’s character relationships were not about emotion.

--Signed books (need I say more)

--Meeting my publisher.

--Watching the businessmen and innocent mall attendees staring at the crazy cosplayers. In the same vein, walking down the tubes connecting the hotels and passing Darth Vader and a troop of Storm Troopers.

--Discovering two bands I’d never heard of: Voltaire and Cruxshadows

--Talking to Rachel Caine (and too many more authors to list here.)

There was so much more, from dances to informative and fun panels, but I have to run.
Have a great day!


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