A novel writing challenge: NaNoWriMo and the madness, plus PRIZES

For those of you who don't know, NaNoWriMo is a month long challenge where people all over the world attempt to write 50k words during the month of November. If you have ever wanted to write a book, this is a great time and a great challenge to get you noveling. I wrote THE END on my very first novel during NaNo 2005. That novel was ONCE BITTEN, which was released this past January. So, as you can guess, NaNo is a challenge I really believe in.
Officially, the 'prize' for participating in NaNo is typically a certificate and the satisfaction of reaching the goal. While writing 'THE END' for the first time (or the second, fifth, sixtieth time) is definitely a thrilling reward, I want to sweeten the pot a little for my blog readers.
Here is what I'm proposing:
-Everyone who participates on the blog and completes the 50k word challenge during NaNo will be listed in the acknowledgments page of my February release, TWICE DEAD.
-Of those people, I will pick a randomly generated 'grand prize winner' who will receive Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King as well as a copy of my up coming release.
-Also, everyone who participates on the blog, regardless of whether they complete the challenge, will be entered to win a copy of TWICE DEAD. (I'll decide how many I'm giving away once I see how many people participate.)
Sound good?
Here is how you participate:
I will post a blog entry every day during November. In the comments section of that post, leave a quick message telling how your writing is coming and your current word count. (**Note: if you are reading this anywhere but my Facebook page or my blogspot blog, please bookmark www.kalayna.blogspot.com as only responses in these locations will be counted toward the contest.**) Feel free to talk about the triumphs and struggles as we all pound through this challenge, and I would encourage you to cheer each other on. I will comment as often as time allows, but I would love to see an active community grow through this challenge. Also, try to stop by and comment several times a week. Every new day's word count will give you another entry in drawings.
Easy enough, right? So who will be noveling along side me this NaNo season? I'd love for you to go ahead and introduce yourself in the comments here. The madness is coming, so good luck to everyone who plans to pound out some words!
Hey S. Welcome to the madness! (It is fun--or at least, I find over caffeinated writing sprints fun. LOL) I hope you join us.
(Do I at least get one entry for posting this?)
This sounds fun. You can count me in.
Can't wait. :)
anyhow thanks for the good read!