Happy Fourth of July and Winners!

To those in the US, Happy 4th of July. I hope you have a fun (and SAFE--please practice fire safety if you are firing fireworks tonight) fourth of July.

And speaking of causes for celebration, GRAVE DANCE hits shelves tomorrow! I can't believe the day is finally almost here. Some of you have let me know that you have already spotted the book on shelves. Thanks for letting me know. I hope you enjoy the Alex's story!

Thank you also everyone who helped me spread the word about the release in the "Get the Word Out" contest. It was a big success. Now I think it's time to crank up the random number generator and pull some winners, what do you think? Yeah? Okay.

WINNERS (and the randomly drawn entry):
-Gabbie (who tweeted about the release)
-SJ DRUM (who added the book to her sidebar)
-Ezzie (who tweeted about the release)
-Stephanie (who posted on Goodreads)
-Ruacach (who reviewed GW on Goodreads)

Congratulations winners!  Please email me at CONTESTS (AT) KALAYNA (DOT) COM with the subject "WINNER" and let me know which book from the prize pack you'd like to claim and where you'd like me to ship the book (full list of available prizes can be found here). Those of you who entered but whose name was not drawn, I have a consolation prize to thank you for helping me spread the word. Please send an email to the above address with the subject of "Get the word out bookplate" and I will send you a signed bookplate and a bookmark.

Thank you again everyone who helped me spread the word, and I hope you'll continue to help get the word out there about tomorrow's release!


Ruacach said…
O.o .....*faints*
Ruacach said…
My signed copy of Grave Dance arrived a couple of days ago, thank you very much. I'm reading it slowly and it's reeally good so far... :D

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