Grave Memory Signings and Parties

[one more day left to enter to win books by James Tuck, John Hartness, and Rachel Aaron!]

Hello everyone. It is Monday, July 2nd and there are less then ten hours left until GRAVE MEMORY officially goes on sale. I almost can't believe it--only that I can because that churning giddiness filling me says it is true. I'm so excited that you guys are going to be able to read the book tomorrow!

Which leads me to my plans to celebrate the release. I have a number of signing stops for this release ( I'll discuss those in a moment) but I know not everyone will be able to make it to one of the live events.  So, I will be doing a live, interactive chat tomorrow from 8-9pm EST on Google air. I'll announce winners, give out prizes, do an on-air reading, and of course answer questions from you guys (so please plan to "attend" so I won't be talking to myself for an hour.) I'll put the link up on the blog/facebook/and twitter tomorrow, so look for it!

I'm also doing a number of in person events in the next few weeks including:
    July 7th: Grave Memory release party and second annual Fantastical Mystery Tour. This year we once again will have lots of great authors for the event, including Rachel Aaron, James Tuck, John Hartness, AJ Hartley, Misty Massey, and possibly more! We'll be at the Barnes and Noble on Forest Drive in Columbia, SC from 4-7pm and will do two talks, a Q&A, a signing, and drawings for free stuff (including a nook!) Mark your calanders, this is an event not to be missed. 
    July 8th: Signing at Barnes and Noble at 10000 Research Blvd in   Austin, Texas from 3-5pm.
    July 15th: Signing with Faith Hunter and D B Jackson at The Booknack in Rockhill, SC from 6-8pm.
    July 16th: Signing with Faith Hunter and D B Jackson at Barnes and Noble on Harbision in Columbia, SC from 6-8pm
    July 17th: Signing with Faith Hunter and D B Jackson at Books-a-million in Charlotte, NC from 6-8pm.
I hope you'll join me for some of these events. I'd love to see you. Okay, now to go write so I don't start pacing and counting down the hours until the release. ^_^

Happy Monday everyone.


Arthemise said…
Oh my gosh, so glad to hear you'll be in Austin! Squee!
Meahgan said…
PLEASE come to the Los Angeles area!!!! really, anywhere in SoCal, and i'll make the trip to see you! i LOVE the Alex Craft Novels, and just finished Grave Memory last night. PLease, please, please, i need another story! Alex Craft is one of my favorite series to read. i really hope that your publisher picks up more stories on her, and soon!
meaghan said…
PLEASE come to the Los Angeles area!!!! really, anywhere in SoCal, and i'll make the trip to see you! i LOVE the Alex Craft Novels, and just finished Grave Memory last night. PLease, please, please, i need another story! Alex Craft is one of my favorite series to read. i really hope that your publisher picks up more stories on her, and soon!

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