Well, my name-site is up and accessible on the web, but it doesn't have any content yet. You might have noticed the new navigation bar under my header (it has some glitches still..I'm working on it.) Currently, if you click on any of those links, you will be taken to a blocked out page filled with fake Latin. Weird, huh? I hope to be launching the content soon, but I'm pretty excited to have the bones of the site up. In the past, I've always hand coded everything. I have a link in the middle of my desktop that says "super advanced HTML program"...it opens notepad, and up until the middle of February, that was it: the codes in my head, notepad, and google for scripts I couldn't just sit down and write. Now I'm learning Dreamweaver 8. It's a frustrating program...but it does speed some things up. To it's annoyance, I still hand code almost everything, but I like that it closes my tags for me and I get an instant picture of what I just changed. C...