
Showing posts from March, 2007


Well, after a couple weeks of looking at it, I've decided I hate this color selection and layout. How is it that I've designed dozens of websites I'm fairly proud off, but anything I do to my own always looks crappy. *sigh* The cobblers barefoot children and all that, I guess. Maybe I should sit down and interview myself the same way I do my clients.

The waiting game

A couple days ago, I was having a conversation with my brother who had just been invited to the second round of interviews for a job he really wants. He was trying to explain the uncontainable excitement and nervousness he felt--and the interview is still a month off. Ah, the waiting game; I know it well. So my advice, stay busy for a couple days, until the giddy brain -buzz wears off and then buckle in and settle down to wait. From experience I've found that the longer you wait, the easier it gets. That is, of course, until something changes and all of a sudden you are dropped right in the middle of that dizzying anxiousness again.

Spring is in the air and Recomendations

Well, the cars are all taking on a greenish complexion and the dogwoods smell like dead fish, so spring must have snuck up on me. This is the time of year I miss having a yard. Granted, every other time of the year when things like mowing and raking would need to be done, I'm quite happy that all I'm responsible for is a large balcony. But, spring makes me want to have my fingers in the dirt. Don't take that to mean I have a green thumb, because I don't, but the urge to *try to* grow stuff is there. I think I'm going to invest in some pots this year and try that container gardening thing. It would be nice to have access to fresh rosemary and other herbs again, but I don't know how well they will grow in pots on a balcony. Anyone have any tips? In other news, I highly recommend reading Kim Harrison's new book For a Few Demons More . I would tell you about it, but I'm afraid anything I said would be majorly spoilerish. Do you know how sometimes books in a ...


I apologize to anyone getting my rss feed. I'm probably driving bloglines and such nuts because I just realized that when I took the old gallery down, lots of my images went with it, and I had to revisit all those old posts and fix the links. Sorry! launched...sort of

Well, my name-site is up and accessible on the web, but it doesn't have any content yet. You might have noticed the new navigation bar under my header (it has some glitches still..I'm working on it.) Currently, if you click on any of those links, you will be taken to a blocked out page filled with fake Latin. Weird, huh? I hope to be launching the content soon, but I'm pretty excited to have the bones of the site up. In the past, I've always hand coded everything. I have a link in the middle of my desktop that says "super advanced HTML program" opens notepad, and up until the middle of February, that was it: the codes in my head, notepad, and google for scripts I couldn't just sit down and write. Now I'm learning Dreamweaver 8. It's a frustrating program...but it does speed some things up. To it's annoyance, I still hand code almost everything, but I like that it closes my tags for me and I get an instant picture of what I just changed. C...

New Blog Colors

Well, I did a little tweaking to the blog template, and I totally changed my color scheme. I'll be honest, I'm not completely convinced I like the new colors. There is reason to my madness...I work locally as a web-designer for a small company, but recently I've been thinking about going out on my own, breaking out of the local, and begin accepting online jobs. (It is an entirely internet kind of thing.) So, I'm pulling down my art-gallery site and using the space for the perspective business (KNsDesigns) It makes sense, the url already sounds like a design shop, and I have my name-site registered in the event that my book sells, so it's easy enough to move my gallery to the name-site (as all it does right now is point to this blog.) The problem comes into play when I consider that I wanted the name-site to lead to an author page (which, admittedly, I don't need right now) and color schemes for galleries and books tend to be totally different. (For instance, I w...

From the outside.

This week's library requests include: 2 books on forensic science, a book on criminal investigation, a book on autopsies, a psychology book on mannerisms and body language, and book about firearms. Really, I'm not crazy or planning on committing/solving a crime, but I am planning on writing about one. The book that is refusing to leave my peripheral (so I've been mentally plotting anytime my mind wanders) is very different from the books I've been writing. In everything I've written up until now, my point of view characters have had no reason to have intimate knowledge of guns or police procedure, so the bits and pieces I've gleaned from watching crime shows and reading mysteries has always been more than enough. But, this new character works closely with the police, so I'm thinking I should have at least a little knowledge that doesn't come from fiction. It does make me wonder what the lady putting my holds on the shelf will think of the selection thou...

email addicts take heart

Recently CNN put out an article about a 12 step program for email addicts. The first step, of course, is to admit you have a problem and email is controlling your life. Most of the subsequent steps are actually very practical advice like sorting email into categories and setting specific times to check the email. I found this article incredibly amusing, probably because around the end of last year I was definitely an addict. I have since come to terms with the fact that if a message were really important and needed my immediately attention, someone would call me. Thus I have mostly cut the cord between the inbox and me. Now I will admit, the first couple days after I send something new out I do hit the send/receive button a little more often, but who doesn't, right?