It's Monday morning, which means I have cued up the random number generator and drawn a winner for a signed copy of Once Bitten. Actually, I was so pleased with how many people stopped by to enter, I decided to up everyone's odds by drawing two winners.
Without further ado, the winners are:
Zhye and
Congratulations! Please email kalayna AT kalayna DOT com (replace AT and DOT with the appropriate symbols) with the name you would like your copy made out to and the address you would like me to ship the book.
Thank you everyone who entered!
Without further ado, the winners are:
Zhye and
Congratulations! Please email kalayna AT kalayna DOT com (replace AT and DOT with the appropriate symbols) with the name you would like your copy made out to and the address you would like me to ship the book.
Thank you everyone who entered!