NaNo day 11: Another day, another blog post

I've been trying very hard to keep my daily NaNo blogs short but interesting. I'm accomplishing the first, but I'm not too sure about the second, and I doubt very much they are useful to you guys. So, I think that means this is a good time to open the floor for questions.

Anyone have questions for me? Maybe a writing topic you'd like me to blog about? Something about my process? About the publishing world? About my books in particular or the genre in general? Now's the time, let's hear those questions!


Tyhitia Green said…
What's your word count goal every day? Mine is usually around 10 pages (2000 words in New Courier)

Does your daily goal vary depending on real life, or do you just make that goal every day no matters what happens?
Anonymous said…
A question about your process.

I'm new to putting a book together. I've been pouring through how-to books in between writing sessions. Current reads {You Can Write A Novel by James V Smith,JR.} and {Writer's Guide to Fiction by Elizabeth Lyon.}

My question is what process to you go through during the writing of a novel?

Also, something that keeps popping up is the use of scenes and sequels. I'm a little confused about the differences. I understand the functions but when I look at other's writing I can't point out which is which. Any suggestions or examples?

Word count : 18539
Kai-Lee Kenniz said…
I fell off the wagon with writing and posting about it this week, but I did make a painful and headache inducing sprint for word count goal that ended at 4 a.m. this morning with me at 17,891/50,000

Questions. . .

I think my most important one right now in the midst of NaNo is what do you do to ease the burnout? And how long (or short) is the optimal break from writing on a very long, focused day? How many words does it take for you to warm up and after how many is it just time to stop and come back to it later?
Anonymous said…
I have similar questions to Cher and Kitt. a few of my own: have you ever had to write a boring part in your novel?- if so how in the world do you keep how do you write to boring parts and get to the exciting good stuff? as i was writing yesterday, i had to fill in some space in between one action scene and another and i was getting annoyed writing the boring stuff....

Day 11: 2184
I passed 20k and at the moment i stand at 20,099
Anonymous said…
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Ginger said…
Day 11 - 20,252/50,000

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